Text features - NEA

  • Tiny_avatar Andrews McMeel Almanacby The Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication

    Andrews McMeel Almanac is a daily calendar feature offering notable historical events, interesting birthdays, phases of the moon and intriguing quotes, facts and statistics of the day.

  • Tiny_avatar Ann Coulter

    Ann Coulter's political commentary delights conservatives and drives liberals up a wall.

  • Tiny_avatar Ask the Doctorsby Eve Glazier, M.D. and Elizabeth Ko, M.D

    A new feature written by two UCLA physicians with clear, commonsense advice on all your health-related questions.

  • Tiny_avatar Astro-Graphby Eugenia Last

    Eugenia Last writes Astro-Graph, the nation's leading syndicated astrology column.

  • Tiny_avatar Do Just One Thingby Danny Seo

    Simple, eco-friendly ways to save money and the planet.

  • Tiny_avatar Kathryn Jean Lopez

    Kathryn Jean Lopez, editor of National Review Online, writes a weekly column of conservative political and social commentary.

  • Tiny_avatar National Perspectiveby David Shribman

    Pulitzer Prize-winner David Shribman is known for his astute assessment of national politics as well as the political scene throughout the country.

  • Tiny_avatar NEA Bridgeby Phillip Alder

    Six days a week, champion bridge player Phillip Alder offers simple tricks and complex strategies to sharpen skills.

  • Tiny_avatar News of the Weirdby The Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication

    A weekly distillation of the best bizarre dispatches gathered from around the world.

  • Tiny_avatar The Postscriptby Carrie Classon

    The Postscript is always 600 words, often funny, usually thoughtful, and never political. In a world where there is no shortage of dire news, The Postscript provides a small dose of positivity each week. Columnist Carrie Classon started the column in 2009, where it ran in the InterCounty Leader in Frederic, Wisconsin for 255 consecutive weeks.

  • Tiny_avatar Steven V. Roberts

    Steve Roberts' weekly commentary column offers a no-nonsense analysis of national and international issues.

  • Tiny_avatar Sense & Sensitivityby Harriette Cole

    There's a new voice offering sound, supportive advice, and it comes from Harriette Cole. The best-selling author and entrepreneur provides advice six times each week in her Q&A column Sense & Sensitivity.

  • Tiny_avatar TasteFoodby Lynda Balslev

    Lynda Balslev is a cookbook author, food and travel writer, and recipe developer based in the San Francisco Bay area, where she lives with her Danish husband, two children, a cat and a dog. Lynda studied cooking at Le Cordon Bleu Ecole de Cuisine in Paris and worked as a personal chef, culinary instructor, and food writer in Switzerland and Denmark. Her favorite activities include hiking, cooking dinners for her friends and family, and planning her next travel destination.

  • Tiny_avatar Byron York

    Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner, is a columnist respected for his reporting skills, fine writing, and analytical approach.