The Postscript by Carrie Classon

Type: Text Feature
Frequency: Daily
Categories: Advice, Humor.

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The Postscript is always 600 words, often funny, usually thoughtful, and never political. In a world where there is no shortage of dire news, The Postscript provides a small dose of positivity each week. Columnist Carrie Classon started the column in 2009, where it ran in the InterCounty Leader in Frederic, Wisconsin for 255 consecutive weeks.

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Carrie Classon

Carrie Classon's first career was as a professional actor, working in theaters on both coasts before founding a theater company in Wisconsin and managing it for seven years. Carrie then received an MBA and worked for the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service and for a private, international company on infrastructure projects in West Africa and Central Asia. Carrie landed in Lagos, Nigeria where she lived for four years. During this time, she began to write.

Carrie went on to get an MFA in creative writing and, in addition to The Postscript, she writes memoir and fiction. Her memoir is called “Blue Yarn.” She splits her time between St. Paul, Minnesota and Los Alamos, New Mexico with her extremely patient husband, Peter.

Carrie champions the idea that it is never too late to reinvent oneself in unexpected and fulfilling ways. Her writing addresses the funny and powerful choices that middle age presents,and the necessity of allowing oneself to be ridiculous in the pursuit of a new, more meaningful life.

Meet the Cast of The Postscript

  • published: Monday, October 07, 2024

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