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Six days a week, champion bridge player Phillip Alder offers simple tricks and complex strategies to sharpen skills.
Phillip Alder
Phillip Alder, a native of London, won his first bridge championship in 1971. He went on to represent the United States in the World Bridge Championships and has won titles in both England and the U.S. As a teacher, Alder has led bridge classes in New York, Connecticut and Florida, and bridge holidays in Switzerland, Majorca, Malta and England. When not playing or coaching bridge, Alder is often writing about it. He is associate editor of The Bridge World, was previously editor of Bridge Magazine and contributes articles to bridge publications in several countries. He has co-authored several books, including "Godfrey's Angels" (2001) and "Bid to Win, Play for Pleasure" (1990). Alder's other books include "Get Smarter at Bridge" (1994); the expanded Casino Games section in the revised "Hoyle's Complete Book of Games" (1991); the revised "On Bidding" (1990) with Alan Truscott; and "You Can Play Bridge" (1983). Alder's NEA bridge column has won an award and special commendation from the American Bridge Teachers' Association.