The Animal Doctor by Dr. Michael W. Fox

Type: Text Feature
Frequency: Daily
Categories: Pets.

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All kinds of animals - from cats to cockatiels - are handled with care by syndicated columnist Dr. Michael W. Fox, the well-known author, veterinarian, animal and environmental advocate and behaviorist. Dr. Fox's Q&A animal advice column, The Animal Doctor, appears twice weekly, providing readers with the latest news in veterinary care and giving important health and safety reminders for all who live with animals.


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Dr. Michael W. Fox

An expert in both medicine and psychology, Dr. Fox's training includes a degree in veterinary medicine as well as doctorate degrees in medicine and animal behavior/ethology. A strong advocate of animal rights, bioethics and environmental protection, Dr. Fox is an international veterinary consultant to various animal-related organizations.

A recipient of the Christopher Award for children's literature for his book The Wolf, Dr. Fox has written more than 40 books for adults and children. He has also written more than 2,000 articles for professional journals and consumer magazines. Dr. Fox lectures extensively to an international audience of conservation and animal protection groups. He has appeared frequently on "The Tonight Show" and is as a guest on other network television and radio talk shows and documentaries. He is a member of the British and American Veterinarian Medical Associations, the Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights and the American Holistic Veterinary Association.

Dr. Fox lives in Minneapolis with his wife Deanna and their animal companions and jointly run India Project for Animals and Nature (IPAN) in the Nilgiris, S. India.

Meet the Cast of The Animal Doctor

  • published: Sunday, March 09, 2025

    published: Monday, March 10, 2025

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