International Text features
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter's political commentary delights conservatives and drives liberals up a wall.
Astro Advice Weeklyby Eugenia Last
Astro Advice Weekly is an astrological planner for the week ahead, with specific information for each day of that week.
Astrologia por Eugenia Lastby Eugenia Last
Ofrece consejos y sugerencias prácticas para cada uno de los 12 signos del Zodíaco.
Dear Abbyby Abigail Van Buren
With a worldwide readership of more than 110 million, Dear Abby has a devoted following who wouldn't dream of starting each day without her.
Earthweek: Diary of a Changing Worldby Steve Newman
It may be a small world, but it’s a planet filled with stories. From man-made occurrences to nature's own news, Earthweek provides a weekly overview of headline events affecting our planet.
Enfoque en la Familiaby Jim Daly
Nuestras familias ya no forman un núcleo tan fuerte como era antes y es obvio que estemos perdiendo algo fundamental para el buen desarrollo del ser humano.
Focus on the Familyby Jim Daly
In today's complex world of family issues, Focus on the Family provides grounded, practical advice for those dealing with family problems. También disponible en Español.
Last Word in Astrologyby Eugenia Last
Eugenia Last uses the tool of astrology to help individuals do the right thing at the right time in their relationships and decision making.
The Mini Pageby Andrews McMeel Syndication
Each week, The Mini Page covers a different topic. The Mini Page will teach your young readers about that week's topic using word puzzles, connect the dots, recipes, drawings and pictures.
Mundo Insólitoby The Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication
Lo que comenzó como un pasatiempo, entre unos cuantos amigos hace más de 35 años, ha crecido hasta convertirse en el compendio más ampliamente difundido de noticias extrañas pero verdaderas de la actualidad. Ahora, con la ayuda de Internet, los editores de Andrews McMeel Syndication continúan una tradición iniciada por el pionero proveedor de noticias extravagantes, Chuck Shepherd, presentando una selección de los mejores datos extraños recolectados por todo el mundo.
National Perspectiveby David Shribman
Pulitzer Prize-winner David Shribman is known for his astute assessment of national politics as well as the political scene throughout the country.
News of the Weirdby The Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication
A weekly distillation of the best bizarre dispatches gathered from around the world.
Smart Movesby Ellen James Martin
Smart Moves, by Ellen James Martin, provides the practical real estate and housing information that consumers need & proving useful to anyone who buys, sells, owns or rents a home.