Available for print
Teleword is built manually, without computer-assisted shortcuts. Each uses every letter in the grid, and all of the words in the clue list are related to the puzzle's theme title. The millions of people who have tried their hand at Teleword over the years find them a true test of their "word power."

David Ouellet
David Ouellet has been fascinated with words since childhood. A true "wordsmith," this native of Quebec City, Canada, is the creator of Teleword and Wonderword, regarded as the most challenging of all "word searches."
David was introduced to puzzle making by his mother, Jo Ouellet, who created Wonderword in 1970. Prior to syndication, David and Jo published puzzle books under various names, including Hide-A-Word, Find-A-Word and Chronogram, among others.
David comes from a diverse family. His roots are Irish and French Canadian, and he is fluently bilingual.
After earning a bachelor's degree in business from the University of Ottawa, David entered the business world and has held a variety of positions in the travel industry.
An avid bridge player, David lives in Toronto with his wife, Sophie, and cat, Felicia.