Alley Oop by Jonathan Lemon and Joey Alison Sayers

Type: Comic Strip
Frequency: Daily
Categories: Men, Women.

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Alley Oop,the classic caveman comic strip created in 1933 by V.T. Hamlin, is written by Joey Alison Sayers and drawn by Jonathan Lemon. Starring the irrepressible Alley Oop, his intrepid companion Ooola and their 21st-century scientist friend Doc Wonmug, there is no end to the adventures the gang can get up to, from prehistoric Moo to wherever and whenever Doc's time machine takes them!

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In The News

Jonathan Lemon

Mike Lester is a native Atlantan and UGA graduate. He spent five years with the Atlanta Journal as an editorial illustrator, also working on the Sunday op-ed feature, and was the staff editorial cartoonist for the Rome News Tribune (Georgia) for ten years. Through his company, Mike Lester Studio, Inc., he has created images for national brand ad campaigns, collegiate logos and collectibles, worked on television commercials and produced many children’s books, including “A Is for Salad,” which made the New York Times: Best of 2000 list. Lester is the creator of the comic strip “Mike du Jour,” originally created for and appearing on the Wall Street Journal website He is also a founding member of CounterPoint, a selected group of the best editorial cartoonists in America.

He has won five National Cartoonist Society Awards and two Sigma Delta Chi Awards from the Society of Professional Journalists.

An avid CrossFit enthusiast, golfer and fisherman, he and Regan, his wife of seventeen years, live in Florida with their pets Lania and Nancy. He has two adult children and a brand-new grandson, Campbell.

Joey Alison Sayers

"Alley Oop" writer Joey Alison Sayers has been writing and drawing comics since the day she was born and will continue to do so until the heat-death of the universe. She has created comics for The Nib, Mad Magazine, and for newspapers around the globe. Her work was featured in the 2011 Best American Comics anthology, and in sixth grade she was beaten out by another student in a contest to design the school mascot. You win some, you lose some. Joey lives in Oakland, California with her wife and two kids.

In The News

Meet the Cast of Alley Oop

Alley Oop Alley is an upbeat, irrepressible caveman who travels from prehistoric Moo all the way to the 21st Century in his friend's time machine. He is brave, inventive, good-hearted and always happy to be home after an adventure. When not traveling through time, Alley gets around Moo on Dinny the Dinosaur and spends time with his girlfriend, Ooola, along with his other friends.
Ooola Alley Oop's uncommonly beautiful girlfriend. Ooola is sweet and smart and puts up with Alley's wanderlust and adventurous spirit with kindness and understanding.
Foozy Foozy (the Moovian Confusius) is Alley Oop's good friend. He is decent and loyal and speaks in rhyme. . . all the time! Alley's true pal in any locale.
King Guz The King of Moo. His majesty is a good guy at heart but can be a bit underhanded when he feels it's required. King Guz is the kind of person who wants to be the hero, but not do any of the work. Not the smartest ruler, he often turns to Alley Oop for advice.
Queen Umpa Umpa (short for Umpateedle) is the other half of the royal couple. She is a patient, loving wife to King Guz, and can be counted on to deliver an occasional zinger. Umpa has a steadier head on her shoulders than her husband and little better idea of what’s going on most of the time.
Wizer The Grand Wizer is the medicine man of Moo. Quite knowledgeable in his field, Wizer is the man to consult if you happen to encounter a club to the head or a dinosaur on the foot.
Doc Wonmug Doctor Elbert Wonmug (the comic world equivalent of Albert Einstein) is the head of the time travel laboratory. He also bears a striking resemblance to Moo’s Grand Wizer!
Oscar Boom G. Oscar Boom (G.O. Boom) is an explosives expert who has gone from evil scientist to good guy invaluable assistant at the time lab and back to a man who finds it impossible to resist his temptation when it comes to wealth and power.
Dinny Alley Oop's loyal dinosaur friend and transportation. Their friendship was cemented when Oop rescued Dinny from a tangle of vines.

In The News

In The News

  • Alley Oop

    published: Sunday, February 16, 2025

    Alley Oop

    published: Monday, February 17, 2025

    Alley Oop

    published: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

    Alley Oop

    published: Wednesday, February 19, 2025

    Alley Oop

    published: Thursday, February 20, 2025

    Alley Oop

    published: Friday, February 21, 2025

    Alley Oop

    published: Saturday, February 22, 2025

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