Puzzles - For Kids

  • Bakerstreet-icon Baker Street Puzzleby Knight Features

    In Baker Street Puzzle, Holmes and Watson bring you a new word or logic puzzle each week.

  • 60-fti Family Time Crosswordby Timothy Parker

    A crossword for the whole family to enjoy!

  • Tiny_avatar PlayFour!by John Wilmes

    Available for print / Web / HTML5

    Don't have lots of time? Try this quick, challenging four-by-four puzzle! Complete the grid by forming four-letter words from the clues. It's perfect for a quick break - not so tough that you can't finish it in just a few minutes, but hard enough to keep you on your toes and coming back for more every day!

  • Supermaze Supermazeby Mike Fallon

    The giant, weekly version of Minutemaze offers a mind-bending challenge for puzzle fans of all ages.

  • Teleword Telewordby David Ouellet

    Circle all the words in the grid to get the hidden answer!

  • Tiny_avatar Up & Down Wordsby David L. Hoyt

    Available for print / Web / HTML5

    In Up & Down Words, players use crossword-style clues to fill in two-word phrases. But here's the twist: the second word of each phrase is the first word in the phrase that follows. Players may solve the puzzle from the bottom up or from the top down -- whichever gets you to the solution quickest and is the most fun!