Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II

Type: Comic Panel
Frequency: Daily
Categories: Men, Women, Family, Pets.

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Ziggy's follies and Tom Wilson and Tom Wilson Jr.'s sensitivity to the foibles of daily life have been an inspiration to readers for 50 years, serving as an island of humor in a sea of trouble. Ziggy appeals to a basic and universal need to take things less seriously and have a little laugh at ourselves.

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Tom Wilson & Tom II

About Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson II is the current author of the famed comic panel Ziggy. Known as America's lovable loser, Ziggy has inspired readers for decades. Serving as an island of humor in a sea of trouble, it appeals to a basic and universal need to take things less seriously and have a little laugh at ourselves. “To truly know Ziggy … is to truly love Ziggy,” said Wilson.

Wilson has been drawing Ziggy since 1987. It seems to come very naturally to Wilson, whose father created the cartoon in 1971. After studying graphic design at Miami University (Ohio) and fine art and illustration at Boston University, Wilson graduated in 1981 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Before devoting his full attention to cartooning and fulfilling his childhood dream of drawing Ziggy, Wilson worked for Amtoy, a New York City toy company, as director of new project development. He went on to develop the internationally syndicated children's comic strip, UG. Pursuing his ongoing passion for creative development, Wilson became president of Ziggy and Friends, Inc. In addition, he has lent his talents as a conceptual creative consultant, "Trained-Brain," for Richard Saunders International. This is a world-renowned creative think tank that has been named the nation's No. 1 innovation consulting service for developing new brands and products for Fortune 500 companies. Wilson also started a company called Character Matters, specializing in developing world-class characters for branding and licensing. He now lives and works in Cincinnati, Ohio.

About the senior Tom Wilson

Ziggy's founder and creator, the senior Tom Wilson, is no longer involved in the day-to-day Ziggy operation, but his heart and soul will always be a part of the loveable little character. During his career, Mr. Wilson, who was born August 1, 1931, demonstrated his vision in anticipating future trends in the marketplace. For more than 35 years, he served as a creative head at American Greetings where he was responsible for the development of many breakthrough card lines.

A veteran of the licensing business, Mr. Wilson headed up the creative team that developed such character licensing blockbusters as Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears.

Mr. Wilson is known as being a talented painter, whose works have appeared in exhibitions throughout the United States, including the Cleveland Museum of Art and the Society of Illustrations annual show in New York. He also made his mark in animation, with the Emmy Award winning special, "Ziggy's Gift," re-released in 2005.

But perhaps most memorable of all, Mr. Wilson gave usZiggy.

Meet the Cast of Ziggy

Ziggy He is Everyperson, the part of us that harbors warm feelings and good intentions that sometimes get stepped on by a reckless world. Ziggy may not always win, but he's always trying and he knows we're in this together.
Fuzz He is Ziggy's look-alike, bark-is-worse-than-his-bite dog. He is a loyal companion and often is more aware than Ziggy of what's going on.
Josh He is the outspoken parrot who sometimes gets Ziggy in trouble by ordering things for himself over the phone. Unlike Ziggy, Josh takes a position on current issues that effect him.
Sid He is Ziggy's originally misnamed cat. (The truth came out when she presented him with a basket of kittens.) Not much of a mouser, Sid is actually intimidated by mice. We also suspect she has a wild night life when we see her the morning after.
Wack He was so named because of the sound he makes. Ziggy bought him on a street corner from a man who quacked, "Want to buy a duck?"

No pants, no hair, no luck. In the great tradition of Ben Franklin, Roy Rogers and Forrest Gump, Ziggy delivers his own homespun philosophy. Ziggy is every person, the part of us that harbors warm feelings and good intentions that sometimes get stepped on by a reckless world. Ziggy may not always win, but he's always trying and he knows we're in this together, which is why we love him.

Ziggy's follies and Tom Wilson and Tom Wilson Jr.'s sensitivity to the foibles of daily life have been an inspiration to readers for 50 years, serving as an island of humor in a sea of trouble. Ziggy appeals to a basic and universal need to take things less seriously and have a little laugh at ourselves.

Children and adults have a special place in their hearts for Ziggy because no matter how dismal things may seem, Ziggy shows us a bright spot and focuses on the rainbow instead of the storm.

Ziggy. Bringing a smile to millions of faces every day.

  • Ziggy

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