La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz

Type: Comic Strip
Frequency: Daily
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La Cucaracha is a unique strip that provides a view of the world through the sharp, satiric lens of its young Latino characters and the fertile mind of acclaimed creator Lalo Alcaraz. Growing up on the U.S./Mexico border gave Lalo a dual outlook on life. He's not Mexican enough for his relatives in Mexico and not American enough for some in the U.S.A. It's this double-edged Spanglish attitude that fuels this jalapeno-biting satirical observations in his daily comic strip, La Cucaracha.

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Lalo Alcaraz

Lalo Alcaraz, distinguished editorial cartoonist and Latin journalist, captures the essence of the changing cultural and political panorama of the country. He is creator of the first daily strip with a political theme distributed throughout all the country by a syndicate, La Cucaracha, which is distributed by Andrews McMeel Syndication.

Alcaraz has produced editorial cartoons for LA Weekly since 1992 and he creates also editorial cartoons in English and Spanish for Andrews McMeel Syndication. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Village Voice, Los Angeles Times, Variety, Hispanic Magazine, Latina Magazine, La Jornada in Mexico City, BUNTE (People magazine in Germany), and many other publications.

Coeditor of the satirical magazine POCHO, Alcaraz has also illustrated the book “Latino USA: a Cartoon History,” published in September 2000 by Basic Books.

Alcaraz began drawing daily editorial cartoons in the periodical of the State University of San Diego, The Daily Aztec, in 1985. Two years later he got his bachelor degree in art and environmental design of the school. In 1991, Alcaraz obtained his mastership in architecture of the California University, Berkeley.

Alcaraz received recently his fourth Award for the Best Cartoons in Weekly Journals of Southern California Journalism, as well as the Award to the Excellency in Communications from the Los Angeles Hispanic Public Relations Association and the Award “Art as a Hammer” from the Center for the Study of Political Graphics. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, teacher at a public school, and two children.

Meet the Cast of La Cucaracha

Eddie A young Latino living in East L.A., dealing with the daily absurdities of American life.
Cuco Eddie's alter-ego. Cuco says what he thinks and does what he wants.
Vero Eddie's friend and a public schoolteacher in East L.A..

La Cucaracha is a sharp, smart comic that isn't afraid to raise difficult issues. From racism across the board to specific U.S./Mexico border tensions, to the everyday lives of regular people, Lalo Alcaraz brings grace and humor to uncomfortable situations. His characters are richly drawn and his stories are biting, funny, and relatable. La Cucaracha may make you uncomfortable, but it is always worth the effort.

  • La Cucaracha

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    La Cucaracha

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    La Cucaracha

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    La Cucaracha

    published: Thursday, March 13, 2025

    La Cucaracha

    published: Friday, March 14, 2025

    La Cucaracha

    published: Saturday, March 15, 2025

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