FoxTrot by Bill Amend

Type: Comic Strip
Frequency: Sundays
Categories: Women, Sunday Only, Family, For Kids, Men, Pets.

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FoxTrot is a comic strip centered around the chaotic Fox family with its three kids, two parents and a perpetually hungry pet iguana. While just about any topic is possible fodder, the humor in FoxTrot tends toward the geeky, with occasional forays into the super geeky. FoxTrot began its published life April 10, 1988 as a seven-day-a-week newspaper strip. It started with about 70 client papers and creeped up to about 1,000 at its peak. In 2007, Bill cut the strip back to Sundays-only in order to free up time for other things and to generally preserve his remaining sanity.

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Bill Amend

Bill was born in Massachusetts in 1962. Somewhere around fourth grade he discovered he could draw cartoons pretty well and began entertaining himself and friends with homemade comic books. He moved west to California in 1974. In high school he contributed cartoons to various school publications but was more interested in computers, "Star Wars" and Dungeons and Dragons than anything. He also played tuba in the school band, made science-fiction themed super-8 movies, and served a brief stint as president of the math club until a messy impeachment.

Bill attended Amherst College where he majored in physics and served as editorial cartoonist for the twice-weekly school paper. As graduation loomed and career panic set in, he decided to give comic strip syndication a shot. Though his early efforts were rejected, he kept at it in my spare time while working in the San Francisco film and animation industries.

After about three years of submitting cartoons, Andrews McMeel Syndication offered Bill a contract in the fall of 1987, and he's been at it ever since.

Bill currently lives in the Midwest with his wife, two children and a perpetually hungry german shepherd.

Meet the Cast of FoxTrot

Jason Fox 10-year-old little brother from hell. Loves math, computers, annoying his sister.
Paige Fox 14-year-old miserable freshman. Loves clothes, shopping, hunky boys.
Peter Fox 16-year-old self-absorbed junior. Loves food, sports, loud music.
Andy Fox Mother and part-time writer. Usually the wet-blanket sensible one in the family.
Roger Fox Father and corporate cog. Clueless to his own cluelessness.
Quincy Jason's iguana. Trained since birth to puke in Paige's bed.

Bill Amend's FoxTrot is one of the few syndicated comics to ever hit the vaunted 1,000 newspaper client plateau. And after you read it a bit you'll know why. Bill has a sharp ear for dialog, a master humorist's sense of timing and most importantly a brilliant sense of his characters.

On the surface, the Foxes look like a typical suburban family, but heeding Oscar Wilde's quote: The only normal people I know are those I don't know very well the more time you spend with the Foxes the more fun and crazy they get.

Even after 20+ years of comics, FoxTrot remains fresh, vital and funny (and slightly geeky).

  • FoxTrot

    published: Sunday, March 09, 2025

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