Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield
Type: Comic Strip
Frequency: Daily
Categories: For Kids.
An Australian comic icon, Ginger Meggs is a red-haired, freckle-faced kid who's wise beyond his years. Ginger and his mates take on school, homework, bullies and the world with a special blend of boyish adventure and Down Under charm. Each day's adventure also includes a "graffiti" message that's a fan favorite.
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Jason Chatfield
Jason Chatfield is Australia’s most widely-syndicated cartoonist. He is the fifth cartoonist since 1921 to produce the iconic Australian comic strip Ginger Meggs, which is the oldest comic strip in Australian history.
Chatfield also works as a freelance caricaturist and illustrator. His work has been published in several books in Australia and worldwide.
He is a past president of the Australian Cartoonists' Association, having been elected when he was 26, and was nominated for Australian Cartoonist of the Year and Comic Strip Cartoonist of the Year in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013.
By night he works as a stand-up comedian in New York City. You might have seen him on Funny Or Die, or as a regular New York correspondent for "ABC News Breakfast" (ABC TV), Nova 100 (radio) and "The Project" (Network 10).
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Meet the Cast of Ginger Meggs
Ginger Meggs Australia's favorite little red-haired boy! If he's not riding his billycart or getting into mischief, he's hanging out with his best mates, Benny, Hookey and Chubb -- or making life difficult for his parents, John and Sarah. Ginger has been entertaining readers since 1921, making it the longest-running comic strip in Australian history.
Mike One of Ginger's two closest partners in crime, his black-and-white Jack Russell dog. Mike will follow Ginger everywhere, but no matter how many times Ginger's dad tells Mike to stay outside, he always finds a way back in. Subsequently, his nickname around the house has become "Mike-Outside."
Tony A gift from Ginger's uncle, Tony is a pet monkey. He's always lurking somewhere -- hanging from a tree or peeking out from behind the couch. Tony loves to play-fight with Mike and once even locked him outside! Mike later got him back by packing Tony in a box when the Meggs' were moving houses.
Benny Bolter Ginger's best mate, Benny likes nothing more than to stay in the shade and let out a fishing line, but he usually gets roped into more dangerous activities by Ginger, like running the billycart down Deadman's Hill, or stirring up Tiger Kelly with elaborate pranks and tricks. Benny always wears the big floppy hat his pop gave him, except when Mr. Canehard demands he take it off when he's in class.
Minnie Peters The ginger-headed object of Ginger's affection -- or at least he likes Minnie enough not to be afraid of catching girl germs. Minnie hangs out with her best friend, Aggie, talking about boys and how little sense they seem to make.
Aggie The tomboy of the group, Aggie is Minnie's best friend, and she's hopelessly unlucky in love. She insists she's going out with Chubb, but if you ask him, he'll tell you a different story. Aggie spends her spare time answering emails from lovelorn readers in "Aggie's Syndicated Column for Those in Love" (or those who want to be!).
Chubb Chubb isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he loves hanging out with Ginger and Benny after school. He often ponders the big questions, but doesn't seem to be able to come to any conclusions. Aggie seems to be convinced he's her boyfriend, but he pretends not to notice. He's more interested in who's winning the cricket.
Hookey Hookey's the youngest of the group and most certainly the shortest. You can always tell Hookey's around because he'll be whining or worrying about something. He has an overprotective mother who asks him to check in with her whenever he's out with the boys. She doesn't like him hanging out with the brat Ginger Meggs!
Fitzzy Cuthbert Fitzcloon, or "Fitzzy," is the school nerd and a self-confessed teacher's pet. He knows everything, but he tends not to realize this results his having no friends. He always has the latest gadgets and technology, which is why Ginger likes to hang out with him.
Eddie Coogan The biggest sleaze in school, Coogan will crack on anything with two legs and skirt, including a stool with a skirt on it. Eddie really gets Ginger fired up when he cracks on his girl, Minnie. Coogan's sleazy pick-up lines have never once worked. But don't think that would stop him from trying...
Jugears Jonson The school bully, Jugears Jonson is the biggest kid in the seventh grade. It's a well-deserved name, since his ears make his head look like a water jug. It's rumored that "Juggie" has an IQ of 4, but it's more likely to be somewhere around 2.
Tiger Kelly Ginger's arch nemesis, Tiger Kelly has been making life difficult for Ginger and the gang for as long as anyone can remember. He's in his late teens and picks on kids half his size, but he always gets his comeuppance in the end.
Mr. Canehard Mr. C is Ginger's constantly exasperated teacher. He's handed out more detentions than actual test marks.
John Meggs Ginger's middle-aged goofy dad, John is always enthusiastic about the good ol' days of having fun out in the neighborhood and not sitting in front of TV or XBox360. An accountant by trade, he is completely unaware of how innately boring he is. He still works things out on paper and dreads having to use computers.
Sarah Meggs Ginger's persistent mum is always put to the test by Ginger's endless bratty antics. Very pragmatic, she's the real head of the household, though sometimes Ginger's charm can get the better of her. Sarah's constantly baffled and amused by her dorky husband's failed efforts to do the man's chores around the house.
Pop Pop is Ginger's ailing granddad. He lives with the Meggs family, pondering the curiosities of life and imparting whatever wisdom he can remember to his ever-curious grandson. His wife passed some years ago, so he meanders around the house, napping more frequently then Mike Outside.
Dudley Meggs Dudley Meggs is Ginger's baby brother. He's 1 year old and replies to almost every request with the word "Goo!"