Parents Talk Back by Aisha Sultan
Type: Text Feature
Frequency: 1x Weekly
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Available for print / Web / mobile
"Parents Talk Back" is a fresh take on the age-old concerns that parents, new and old, face. With years of experience as a journalist, and a particular focus on education and technology as it relates to children and childrearing, Aisha Sultan addresses the big and little questions that parents, relatives, friends and communities ask themselves. The focus on technology and Internet culture provides much-needed assistance to parents in the process of navigating these waters with their increasingly connected children.

Aisha Sultan
Aisha Sultan joined the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1998 as a news reporter. After a decade of covering local and national news, she launched a parenting column as the Home and Family editor in 2008.
Her passion to write about children and families became even more focused once she became a mother. She lobbied to launch her column for years, and since its inception, it has provoked tremendous reader response and conversation. In addition to her column, she hosts a weekly parenting chat and has a strong presence on social media, including an engaged and loyal following on Twitter (@AishaS) and Facebook.
Prior to joining the newsroom, she worked as a reporting intern at The Wall Street Journal and as a Dow Jones copy editing intern at The News Times in Danbury, Connecticut.
In 2011, she was awarded the Knight Wallace Fellowship at the University of Michigan, where she studied parenting and privacy in the digital age. She graduated from Trinity University with a degree in sociology and international studies and continued to study social science in graduate school at the University of Chicago. She spent a semester studying Arabic at the American University in Cairo.
Her work has appeared in more than 50 publications, including The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. She is a regular radio commenter and repeat guest on CNN, MSNBC and HLN. She has won numerous national awards, including several from the Society for Features Journalism, and she is a frequent guest at conferences related to journalism and parenting. In 2015, Sultan was selected as one of only five American journalists to participate in the East-West Center’s Senior Journalism Seminar, a prestigious, globetrotting experience that seeks to "elevate the public debate about religion and its role in the public sphere, specifically as it relates to U.S. relations with the Muslim world."
She and her family, including two young children, are avid travelers. She speaks Urdu and has spent months living in Pakistan and traveling to various countries in the Middle East.