Hidato en Español by Gameblend Studios, LLC

Type: Puzzle
Frequency: Daily
Categories: Espanol, Number, Puzzles, El Paquete.

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Al Sr. Spock de la clásica serie Viaje a las Estrellas le encantaría jugar Hidato porque es pura lógica y nada de suposiciones. Hidato trae ciertos números ya colocados en la cuadrícula. Hay que llenar los espacios en blanco con números que vayan en secuencia consecutiva horizontal, vertical y diagonalmente. Hay una sola solución posible. El primero y el último número del rompecabezas vienen indicados dentro de un círculo.

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Gameblend Studios, LLC

Dr. Gyora Benedek is a prominent computer scientist from Israel. In his spare time, he invents and develops games and logic puzzles, including the worldwide hits Lights Out, NimX and iTop. Fluent in seven languages, he was born in Transylvania and now lives in Israel. Active in many different sports, he came up with the idea for Hidato while scuba diving, watching the strange, hypnotic patterns of the fish: "It was dizzying and puzzling - maybe that was what made me think of a puzzle. Can I connect the dots and reconstruct the fishes' crazy swimming pattern? Can I create a puzzle like that?"

He created Hidato soon after, concluding that "a good puzzle ... must have a unique solution and ... solving it should not require any trial and error."

Meet the Cast of Hidato en Español

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