Mike du Jour Comic Strip Joins Andrews McMeel Syndication

Mike du Jour Comic Strip Joins Andrews McMeel Syndication

Kansas City, MO (June 1, 2022) Andrews McMeel Syndication (AMS) will assume sales and

distribution of Mike du Jour by Mike Lester, announced Brent Bartram, Chief Strategy Officer and

General Manager of AMS. The effective date is August 1, 2022.

Mike du Jour is a rare triple entendre: the main character’s name, the creator’s name, and an honest

description of the strip. Mike (the character) is an autobiographical composite, a combination of Walter

Mitty, Buster Keaton, and Lester, his creator.

Mike works in a generic office (Big Bottom Line Inc.), addressing (or creating) whatever “problem” the

day presents. He shares the office (and life) with a colorful cast of characters, but his primary companion

is Minnie, his basset hound mix. Minnie spends her days presenting him with a plethora of questions

about hypothetical situations, and holds humorous – although somewhat random – conversations with

him about a variety of topics.

“Mike du Jour defies a definitive description,” said Bartram. “But the characters, conversations, and

situations presented are consistently entertaining. Like the title of the comic, every day is different – but

it never disappoints. AMS has been distributing his editorial cartoons since last year, and we are very

pleased to add his comic strip to our outstanding comic feature lineup.”

In addition to creating the comic strip, an award-winning editorial cartoon, and working as a commercial

artist, Lester is also the author and illustrator of A is for Salad, a New York Times bestseller. Mike du

Jour appears in more than 50 newspapers, and was previously syndicated by the Washington Post Writers


Mike du Jour will also appear online on GoComics, and the feature is available for print and digital

syndication internationally. For sales inquiries, please contact Jan Flemington,
